
Wingspan: European Expansion

  • SKU: STM901
  • Article code: STM901
  • Out of stock

In this first expansion to Wingspan, we increase the scope of the world to include the regal, beautiful, and varied birds of Europe. These birds feature a variety of new abilities, including a number of birds with round end abilities,

C$ 29.99

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Product description

Wingspan: European Expansion

including a number of birds with round end abilities, abilities that increase interaction between players, and birds that benefit from excess cards/food. Along with the new bonus cards, they’re designed to be shuffled into the original decks of cards (and cards from future expansions).
The European Expansion also includes an additional tray for storing the growing collection of birds (past, present, and future), as well as 15 purple eggs, extra food tokens, and a colorful new scorepad designed for both multi-player and single-player scoring. It's designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and features birds illustrated by Natalia Rojas and Ana Maria Martinez.
Ages 10+
Players 1-5, Playing Time 40-70 minutes

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Wingspan: European Expansion

Wingspan: European Expansion

C$ 29.99 (C$ 29.99 Incl. tax)