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Sherlock Holmes Escape Book: Adventure of the Analytical Engine

  • SKU: 9781781454411
  • Article code: 9781781454411
  • In stock

Sherlock Holmes Escape Book: Adventure of the Analytical Engine

C$ 22.99

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Product description

Sherlock Holmes Escape Book: Adventure of the Analytical Engine

The third title in this ingenious series of Sherlock Holmes Escape Books, The Adventure of the Analytical Engine is an exhilarating combination of escape room, puzzle book and adventure story. Inspired by the urban craze for escape rooms, where players tackle puzzles while trapped in a locked room, it is an escape room in the form of a locked book, filled with codes, ciphers, riddles and red herrings, and a clever Code Wheel set into the cover. Taking on the role of Sherlock Holmes, inthis new adventure readers find themselves trapped with Watson and aspiring engineer Henrietta Prince in the grand home of Bertram Alfreds, the last surviving child of Lord Byron. After being lured to the residence by an intriguing mechanical music box, Holmes and Watson must find their way through the mansion, foil a deceitful plot to destroy Henrietta's lifelong work -" a replica of Babbage's Analytical Engine -" and fathom the involvement of Moriarty, if they are to win their freedom and save the day.

Pages: 136

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Sherlock Holmes Escape Book: Adventure of the Analytical Engine

Sherlock Holmes Escape Book: Adventure of the Analytical Engine

C$ 22.99 (C$ 22.99 Incl. tax)