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Ravensburger If Fish Could Walk Puzzle 2000pcs

  • SKU: 16823
  • Article code: 16823
  • In stock

"If Fish Could Walk," where would they go?
Enter this upside-down world where fish need breathing bubbles underwater but people don’t, and above the water,

C$ 49.99

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Product description

Ravensburger If Fish Could Walk Puzzle 2000pcs

fish are flying via balloon! Artist Demelsa Haughton has rendered this exquisite, imaginative illustration in soothing pastels and filled it with delightful details and wonderful whimsy, sure to provide hours of pleasurable puzzling fun!

Assembled size: 38.5" x 30

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Ravensburger If Fish Could Walk Puzzle 2000pcs

Ravensburger If Fish Could Walk Puzzle 2000pcs

C$ 49.99 (C$ 49.99 Incl. tax)