
Pierre Belvedere Sunday at the Shop Puzzle 1000pcs

  • SKU: 622168
  • Article code: 622168
  • In stock

Pierre Belvédère also has its own collection of puzzles for adults produced by Trefl. From 500 to 1500 pieces, PB specializes in showcasing local artists, offering 3 series: World-Class Artists, Canadian Scenes and Our Essentials. Christine Genest became

C$ 26.99

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Pierre Belvedere Sunday at the Shop Puzzle 1000pcs

Pierre Belvédère also has its own collection of puzzles for adults produced by Trefl. From 500 to 1500 pieces, PB specializes in showcasing local artists, offering 3 series: World-Class Artists, Canadian Scenes and Our Essentials. Christine Genest became interested in the arts when she was 9 years old. She began exploring ceramics, then painting, drawing, sculpture and many more forms. Her work is inspired by the meeting of the real and imaginary worlds. She enjoys painting oddly amusing characters and creatures and creatures that are also part of a story. 19 x 27 inches 1000pc

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Pierre Belvedere Sunday at the Shop Puzzle 1000pcs

Pierre Belvedere Sunday at the Shop Puzzle 1000pcs

C$ 26.99 (C$ 26.99 Incl. tax)