
City Mazes Around the World

  • SKU: 9782408019679
  • Article code: 9782408019679
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City Mazes Around the World

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Product description

City Mazes Around the World

From New York City to Tokyo and Berlin to Sydney, the streets of the 15 cities included in this book are filled with a fascinating showcase of local landmarks and awesome attractions. How will you get from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park in New York City? Or find your way to Topkapi Palace in Istanbul? Each spread is an engaging and challenging journey, and maze solvers have to look out for things or people that block their paths, like manga in Kyoto, dog walkers in San Francisco, and even bobbies in London! A great way to explore different cities, with a helpful answer key at the back of the book.

Author: Stéphanie Babin
Illustrator: Antoine Corbineau
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 36
Ages 5+

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City Mazes Around the World

City Mazes Around the World

C$ 28.99 (C$ 28.99 Incl. tax)